
Temporary Handicapped Parking Placards

Troy Township issues temporary handicap parking placards to qualified individuals who submit an application signed by their physician stating the nature and duration of the applicant’s disability. Applications are available at the Township office or download the form on the Secretary of State’s website below. Temporary Handicap Parking Placards are issued immediately upon receipt of a properly completed application (Part 1 completed by applicant; Part 2 must be fully completed by the physician; and Part 3 and Part 4 completed by the applicant, if necessary). Troy Township can only issue Temporary Handicapped Parking Placards not to exceed a period of 90 days.

Permanent Disability Parking Placard / License Plate

Applicant requesting a Permanent Handicap Placard / License plate must submit a completed “Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placard” form. Part 1, of the form is to be completed by applicant; Part 2 must be fully completed by the physician stating the nature and length of disability is permanent; and Part 3 and Part 4 completed by the applicant, if necessary. The Township will gladly submit the completed application to the Secretary of State and will issue a Temporary Handicap Placard for two months until the applicant receives the Permanent Handicap Placard in the mail.

Renewal of Permanent Disability Parking Placard

The Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department will mail renewal applications/physicians certification forms two months prior to the expiration of the current placard. The Renewal form must be signed by the physician and returned to the Secretary of State office in order to renew the permanent parking placard. A new Permanent Placard will be mailed to the applicant. The new placard will expire in two years on the last day of the birth month.

Important Links

Secretary of State’s Website

Secretary of State’s – Persons with Disabilities Website 


25448 W Seil Rd, Shorewood, IL 60404

Phone: 815-744-1968
Fax: 815-744-1910


25448 W Seil Rd, Shorewood, IL 60404

Phone: 815-744-5806
Phone: 815-744-5807
Fax: 815-744-5803


25358 Seil Rd. Shorewood, IL 60404 

Phone: 815-828-5275
Fax: 815-828-5490 
Cell: 815-405-3378