Tax Bill
Along with April showers and May flowers, spring is the time of year your property tax bill arrives in the mail. Bills are usually sent out by the Will County Treasurer’s office.
Property taxes are the result of the demand for money by the taxing districts. The taxing districts are listed on your tax bill, along with their portion of the tax rate. These districts include counties, municipalities, schools, park districts, townships, etc. Their need for money to operate translates to tax rates, the total of which, when applied to your property assessment, results in your tax bill. Your tax bill will give you the current rate for each taxing district, plus the rate for the previous year. If you believe your taxes are too high, first determine the cause. Is it the rate or do you disagree with the market value of your home? If you disagree with the rate, plan to attend meetings where the budgets of the taxing bodies are being discussed and adopted. If you disagree with the market value, call our office and we will explain how it was calculated, but the time to take action is when you receive your revised assessment notice.
Please remember to check your tax bill for all your eligible exemptions. If one is omitted, please contact our office at 744-5806. Information on exemptions.