How to Appeal Your Property Assessment
If you feel that you are being over-assessed, we encourage you to contact our Township office first before filing an appeal to Will County. We may be able to resolve your issue and a formal appeal may not be necessary. Assessment publication is August 7 – 8, 2024 in the Joliet Herald News.
First you should review your property record card for any errors. If an error is found, it can easily be corrected. You may have a legitimate assessment complaint if you can support any of the following claims:
- The Assessor’s market value is higher than actual market value. (This claim can be supported if you have recently purchased your property on the open market or if you supply a professional appraisal (not bank ordered) or if similar homes in your neighborhood have sold for less, see Sales below).
- The primary assessment of the property is based on inaccurate information.
- The assessment is higher than those of similar house style/age and size in your neighborhood. See Equity below.
Sales comparables are sales of homes that are similar to yours that sold within the previous three years and are arms-length, valid sales. Look for sales that are the same style (2-story, Ranch, Tri-level, Condo, etc), close in year built, square footage, # of bathrooms, outside construction (brick/siding), whether it has a basement, crawl or slab, garage size, and any extras like deck, patio, inground pool, open or enclosed frame porch, etc. Sales that occurred in your own neighborhood are best to use.
Equity comparables are homes that are similar to yours, as listed above, that are assessed lower. These should all be from your own neighborhood.
Compile the information you have found on our grid that is provided for you at the bottom of this page.
All property information for your grid can be found on our website Assessed values can be found on the Will County website If you do not have access to a computer you may bring in addresses of the homes you are using as comparables and we will assist you with pulling property record cards or showing you our sales books.
Tips to Assist you in Completing the Grid
To find your Property Index Number PIN go to our website From the home page of the website choose the “Property Search” link then click on “I Agree” at the bottom of the property search disclosure statement. Choose the “Address Search” tab. Omitting the street number will give you more accurate results. Enter the street name and city, click “Search”. The screen below displays the parcel # (which is the Property Index # or PIN), address, sale date, sale amount, and year built. By clicking on the PIN you will receive more information for that parcel. There is also a link at the bottom of the page to the Will County SOA Website to obtain the assessed values.
2024 Assessors Grid: This grid MUST be returned to the Troy Township Assessor’s Office before 4pm on Friday, August 30, 2024.
Once your grid is completed you can submit it to us via fax at 815-744-5803, email, or drop it off at our office. We will also have extended hours BY APPOINTMENT ONLY between 4-6pm on Thursday August 15th, August 22nd, and August 29th. Please call 815-744-5806 to schedule a Thursday evening appointment. Please note that Thursday evening appointments are limited.
After your grid is reviewed by the Assessor and/or Deputies, if your value is not changed based on the submitted evidence, you have the right to appeal your assessment with Will County Board of Review. This must be done within (30) days after publication of reassessments, which will be published the second week of August. Forms and instructions for completing them can be obtained at the Board of Review Office at the Will County Office Building, at our office, or on the Supervisor of Assessments website at (We will notify you either way regarding your grid submission.)
All 2024 Assessment Appeals filed with the Will County Board of Review Forms must be submitted to the Will County Supervisor of Assessment’s office by end of day on September 9, 2024.
Their office is located at:
302 N. Chicago Street
2nd Floor
Joliet, IL 60432
Ph: 815-740-4648