Assessor’s Function

The Office of the Assessor is the only elected position that has statutory, pre-election requirements. In Troy Township the candidate must obtain the Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO) designation from the Illinois Department of Revenue. Incumbent elected assessors must complete continuing education requirements before they can run for re-election.

The assessor’s responsibilities include the mass appraisal of all taxable property within the township. Mass appraisal requires the assessor to perform three fundamental yet vital duties: 

  1. Discover, list and value all new construction within the jurisdiction
  2. Ensure that existing property is valued at the appropriate statutory level of market value
  3. Assure that similar property is valued in a uniform manner


The function of the Assessor’s Office is to determine actual value of real property (The price you would expect to receive if you sold your home), while maintaining equity (Equal treatment) between properties. This is determined by what occurs in the marketplace, the buying and selling of property by the public. The Supervisor of
Assessments and the Board of Review may use multipliers to bring the assessments of townships county-wide up to the State mandated 33 1/3 percent of market value. The demand for monies by the taxing bodies results in TAXES. The taxing bodies are listed on your tax bill with their portion of the tax dollars.


Each individual property is recorded on a property record card. Legal description, ownership, and a drawing of any improvements are recorded on this card. Details of construction, size, condition and other required information are also listed. It also contains your Permanent Index Number (PIN). This is the identification number for your individual property. In Troy Township your index number will begin with 05-06-etc.

This number will also appear on your tax bill. All property record cards are filed by this number, and any newspaper publication will be listed by PIN order. You can request a copy of your property record card and after reviewing the information, we urge you to contact our office if you have any questions.